
Avoid it like the plague.

A bell curve graph surrounded by depictions of software ecosystems.
apple business ethics facebook social-media software tech

We're not in the software war, we're in the ecosystem war

Integrated ecosystems, like Apple's, shape user behavior, emphasizing the need for open standards and decentralized software to counter corporate dominance.

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A group of teens all on their phones in front of a wall plastered with the logos of social media platforms.
ethics facebook privacy social-media tech

The social dilemma: What it is, how we got here, and what we can do about it

"The Social Dilemma" exposes the manipulative tactics of social media platforms, emphasizing their role in spreading disinformation and shaping user behavior for profit. It's compelling to have a collective awareness and reconsideration of these platforms' influence.

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A phone with Cambridge Analytica's logo over the background of the Facebook logo.
apps ethics facebook privacy social-media

The silver lining in Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal

The silver lining of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal is the raised awareness about data privacy, prompting discussions on safeguarding personal information and the potential for a Digital Protection Agency. Users are urged to take control of their online privacy.

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A security lock is being featured publicly on classic TV.
ethics facebook privacy social-media tech

Could transparency lead to security?

Delve into the intricate balance between transparency and security in the age of influencers and online privacy. As society navigates the fine line between personal information sharing and safeguarding, new ethical questions arise, shaping the future of privacy in our interconnected digital era.

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A person crosses out Facebook on their phone.
ethics facebook marketing privacy social-media tech

The dilemma of #DeleteFacebook and why we're trapped

Stuck in Facebook's grasp: Despite wanting to #DeleteFacebook, I'm trapped due to its hold on digital marketing and advertising. Escaping its web is complex, but options like script blocking and alternatives like Vero offer a glimpse of a privacy-centric future.

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